
Location de l'Hotel Pyrénées

Located in the historic center of Andorra la Vella

Contact details and Address:

Avinguda  Príncep Benlloch 20 , AD500, Andorra la Vella, Andorra

Tel.:(+376) 879 879 // Fax:(+376) 820 265 // info@hotelpyrenees.com


Lat.42.507371° / Long.1.519638°

42°30'26.54"N / 1°31'10.70"E


If you reach the hotel by car, a reserved space for guests is placed just in front of the hotel at the main street, you can park for 5 minutes to leave the lugagge.

If the space is not free,  you can drive to the back part of the hotel where the parking is located. A secial zone is marked to unload lugagge also. Stop there and go to the reception to check-in or enter the parking directly using the intercom phone.

                   Once in Andorra la Vella, if the GPS tells you to go through the street " Carrer de Tobira", do not do it, the street is too narrow.

          For more detailed information do not hesitate to contact us.